Download ElDewrito

What is ElDewritoLauncher?

ElDewritoLauncher is a tool for installing and updating the game. It uses BitTorrent to do this. It is the file named 'launcher.exe'.

You do not have to launch the game using the launcher. To launch the game directly, run 'eldorado.exe'.

What is BitTorrent?

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol which allows you to download a file from many different people at once and share the file to others at the same time.

Due to being commonly used for piracy, many universities, employers, and Internet service providers will block or flag-up when users attempt to use it.

If you suspect you are in a situation where that could occur, we advise that you use a VPN to download the game or download it from one of the HTTPS mirrors provided here.

What do I do with the files if I didn't use the launcher?

That's fine. Just extract or move the files to the location you would like the game to reside. You can now run the game using 'eldorado.exe' or 'launcher.exe'